Artex - Emergency Locator Transmitter, Model C406-2 406 MHz | 453-5000
There are few pieces of equipment on your aircraft more critical as a reliable emergency locator transmitter (ELT). It's your insurance policy that protects you against unforeseen emergencies. The Artex 453-5000 C406-2 ELT automatically activates during a crash and transmits on all 3 emergency frequencies-121.5, 243.0 and 406 MHz. The standard swept tone is transmitted on 121.5 and 243.0 MHz. In addition, the device transmits an encoded digital message at 406 MHZ to the Cospas/Sarsat satellite system. This allows for fast identification, greatly reducing search and rescue response time.
Every Artex C406-2 has been rigorously tested to meet TSO C126 requirements for 500 G shock, 1000-pound crush in addition to flame and vibration tests. The ELT can be used with low-cost Artex whip antennas, a blade antenna or a rod antenna. It also interfaces with the optional Artex ELT/NAV interface that lets you transmit latitude and longitude data as part of the 406 MHz message. The Artex C406-2 uses 2 coaxial cables for all 3 frequencies, and it's available for fixed wing aircraft with a single directional G-Switch.