1 Roll of Charcoal Tablets 33mm
(10 tablets per roll)
Swift-Lite charcoal tablets are self-lighting and long-burning mini charcoal tablets. Swift Lite is a top quality brand - they light easily, burn evenly, stay lit and do not splutter or explode. In order to maintain freshness, opened rolls should be resealed and stored in a cool dry place. Effective storage will ensure quick lighting and a long burning time.
Remove tablet from the sealed roll and place in a censer or heat proof dish. Light the edge of the tablet with a match or a taper lighter. You may also prefer to use to hold the charcoal while lighting it. The tablet will then light across its surface (you may see the tablet spark as this occurs, this is normal). Allow the tablet to thoroughly ignite for about 10 minutes. When the tablet is properly ready to use, it will be covered by a small layer of grey ash. When done, the tablet should be left to burn out and cool in the censer. To extinguish a tablet before its fully cooled, quench in a container of cold water. Do not hold tablet in the hand anytime after its been lit.